Gold Label Traditional Dark Balsamic

1-3 Bottle Price = $55.00 per bottle
4+ Bottle Price = $50.00 per bottle

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Gold Label Traditional Dark Balsamic 200ml

This fantastic cask-aged balsamic vinegar from Modena, Italy, is made from acetified grape must matured using the Solera method of blending, transferring the vinegar between a succession of high quality barrels of different sizes. This refinement process in high quality woods results in a rich and assertive balsamic with a warm brown color and a thick, fluid consistency. The aroma is penetrating and persistent. With port and madeira undertones, it is a classic balsamic taste.

Perfect for the vinegar lover looking for that special addition to their kitchen. Makes a great gift as well!

1-3 Bottle Price = $55.00 per bottle
4+ Bottle Price = $50.00 per bottle

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